Saturday, April 14, 2007

DaMn ThAt LuCkY tEdDy BeAr

Day 13

Never have I've been so jealous of an oversized teddy bear. I never thought I would be envious of a teddy bear until now. If you haven't seen the video yet, I have included it for you.
It was "very hard" for me to watch this clip and not being able to "participate." She was very good at humping that teddy bear's leg. I was watching it with Bobo, my monkey. It was agonizing for the both of us. Alas, Bobo is not as strong minded as I am and he could not control it, so he started to slap and "spank" himeself (As you can tell, he loves Florida very much).
He was very shocked when he found out the teddy bear was his neighbor!
He cursed the heavens because he wasn't the one that girl was dry humping. You and me both, Bobo. You and me both.

This is day 13 and I'm going crazy.

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