Sunday, April 22, 2007

I wAnT tHaT iPoD

Day 21

It just so happens I was flipping through my Sports Illustrated: Swimsuit Edition 2007 (I happen to like the articles) and I saw a lovely picture of a video iPod.

I know this because of the wider screen and the headphone jack is slightly towards the right of the iPod rather than right in the middle. God, I wish I could have it. iPod, I mean. The ability to watch TV shows and movies right in the palm of my hand. My palms are getting sweaty. Hmm. Oh, who am I kidding? Marisa Miller looks smoking with the iPod. Now, if that were an iPod shuffle, this bet would be over and I would have lost. I can spin the iPod click wheel pretty fast. It IS in the right place...I'm such a geek.

This is day 21 and my pants are bulging.

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