Monday, April 9, 2007

WoMeN aRe ArMiEs Of OnE

Day 8

So, I was looking back at my collection and I found this video that I had saved for future references. It comprise of a beautiful brunette in a black top and white bottoms that shows her wonderous tushie of hers (If you saw the clip or saw the pictures, you know what I mean). Man, boot camp sculpted her body to perfection. I liike. If all female soldiers looked like that, not only will there be a 100% troop increase and participation in the army but also there will be peace in the world. The terrorists would lay down their arms after this beauty walks in front of their paths. There is your paradise, gentlemen. I tried to find a better clip of this strip tease salute on iFilm only to be disappointed! Appearently, strip teasing in front of a webcam while deployed in Iraq leads to court martial. Damn Bush. She was just trying to serve her country! It just so happen most of her clothes fell off when she was filming. There shouldn't be anything wrong with that. Oh well.

OMG she is hot! God bless her our troops.

This is day 8 and this is getting harder. I'm hands free.

te: I have found the video clip! The link is

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