Thursday, April 19, 2007

TaLk To ThE hAnD

Day 18

Everyday, millions of men and women around the world fall prey to the this. It happens in showers, bedrooms, and many other places in the home. Some can get it pretty quickly or slowly, depending on a single individual. To others, it remains a complete mystery on how to DiY or to others. Inanimate objects can be used to accelerate the treatment such as a vibrating duck:

Creams and other topical ointments can be used to help. What am I talking about? Manual stimulation, of course.

This is my research.

It is through my "research" I am able to see the vicious cycle that us humans fall prey to everyday. For some this happens everyday or every other day. While others can go through 18 days without it. Don't believe me? Talk to the hand. He's lonely.

This is day 18 and I'm Chris Hanson from NBC Dateline...umm I mean I'm hands free.

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